Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I don't agree or disagree with Santorum's comment on women in combat. I have never served in the military. But I think his point is something that should be considered and discussed among the troops and commanders. Men and women treat each other differently. It is a fact of life. How that will play out on the battlefield if at all, is a valid question. Although it shouldn't be played out in the media with it sensationalism and spinning.

Figuring out the roles of men and women in today's American society is interesting and challenging. Generalizations are tough because we are very diverse. Some women prefer more traditional roles, some more non traditional and lots in the middle. Also, as we grow and change, our opinions and ideals also grow and change. As a young girl growing up without a father, I had a strong desire for a traditional family home. As a young women, I would have preferred a more non traditional rolls. Now I see the value in both.

There are some things that our society promotes regarding men and women that I disagree with. Movies make men look like bafoons, who only want sex. Men are portrayed to be stupid and uncaring, driven my sexual desires. I get that they are trying to be funny but an over abundance of this message affects us all.

I understand that we need humor. We need to be able to laugh at ourselves. I enjoy great jokes and funny movies. There is nothing like a good laugh to eliminate stress. I just wonder about the redundancy of the message.

We want our men to be bad boys who die to protect us. But not treat us like weaklings who can't do for ourselves. We want them to love us endlessly but give us our freedom. To be a free spirit artist or musician who makes lots of money. Someone who is comfortable in his own skin.

Women don't make it easy for men. The whole men are from mars, women are from Venus thing. We speak in innuendos, some men can't decipher innuendos.

They are sometimes trapped. Damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. Land mines and all. If they say " I believe pms is real and how can I help you", we bite their head off for being condescending.

We want them to know what we want and desire without having to tell them. It's a tricky situation. If I tell you what I want and you do it, then you didn't do it out of love. You did it because I told you to.

Men don't make it easy for us either, but that is a another blog another day.

To all the women out there, give men a break. To all the men look out for land mines and enjoy the ride. (no double entendre intended)

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